Circular Waste Water Management
in conditions of 4 countries:
concepts, approaches and technologies 

Education and Capacity Building, Strengthening professional networks of educational institutions and supporting mobility of students, researchers, and educators to share best practices 

About project

Project "Circular Waste Water Management in conditions of 4 countries: concepts, approaches and technologies", project ID: 22220131, was accepted for solution with the financial support of Visegrad+ Grand, a grant program financed by the international Visegrad Fund, aimed at facilitating support from the V4 countries primarily towards the Eastern Partnership countries and countries of the Western Balkans. 

The project is therefore implemented by the V4 countries, i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and, in this case, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a focus on facilitating the dissemination the know-how and best practices of the V4 countries, on democratization, civil society development, political, economic and social transformation, EU approximation and EU integration, good governance and regional cooperation.

Implementation period: 20/9/2022 - 31/12/2023

Short description

The main aim of this project is to improve a cooperation of leading wastewater management institutions, to exchange knowledge and experiences, and to create synergies in the conditions of Central Europe. The following topics will be addressed:

  • possibilities to reuse treated wastewater (WW) from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP);
  • sustainable sewage sludge (SS) management including resource recovery (nutrients) in the blue-green infrastructure (BGI);
  • integration of energy from WW.

Specific results - project goals



Attendance at each workshop will be at least 20 people (researchers, university teachers or master/Ph.D. students) from the project partner countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina).



In journals with Impact Factor based on knowledge sharing, especially in the field of research, the total of five articles will be published in the field of circular wastewater management (CWWM). Each partner country will lead one of the publications. One article will be supervised by a representative from the Czech Republic, other 4 articles will be supervised by a representatives from partners.



A new website (this website) will be prepared where information about the circular wastewater management (CWWM) project will be shared. Information about the ongoing project activities, workshops and partners or other events will be shared on this website as a matter of priority. 

Project leaders

Martina Zeleňáková

Technical University of Košice

Katarzyna Pietrucha Urbanik

Rzeszów University of Technology

Viktória Mikita

University of Miskolc

Mihajlo Marković

University of Banja Luka
Bosnia and Herzegovina


If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact form provided. We would be happy to provide you with more information or clarify any aspects of our work that you may be interested in.